- Death of a spouse/partner
- Divorce
- Marital separation
- Imprisonment
- Death of a close family member
- Personal injury or illness
- Marriage
- Dismissal from work
- Marital reconciliation
- Retirement
Ten most stressful life events (Holmes & Rahe Stress Scale)
After retirement age (AAPP – American Association of Retired Persons
- 80% of baby boomers plan to work at least part time
- 5% anticipate working full time at new jobs or careers
- 15% will not work at all
Life span (Productivity Commission Aust 2012)
- A person born in 2011 would be expected to live to the age of 94
- NZ life expectancy: Male: 80.5 Female: 84
Aust Life expectancy: Male: 80.4 Female: 84.6
New Zealand population is changing (Draft Strategy - Better Later Life 2019-2034)
We are living longer than before. By 2034, more than 1.2 million New Zealanders, almost a quarter of the population, will be aged 65+. During the decade there will be more people aged 65+ than children 0-14 years.
Population over 65+ (Draft Strategy Better Later Life 2019-2034)
65-74 year olds
2018 = 432,500
2034 = 599,800
75-84 year olds
2018 = 228,500
2034 = 429,200
85+ years old
2018 = 86,800
2034 = 178,800
2 Day Workshop
The 2 day workshop component of the SMART Retirement Mentoring Programme takes place on a Saturday and Sunday on dates as published from time to time on this site.
The days start at 9am and finish about 5pm with morning and afternoon tea as well as a lunch break.
Throughout the 2 days, participants will engage in activities and experiences which along with the presentations from experts in various fields will enable them to commence their Roadmap for Freedom book.
3 Month Mentoring Programme
The 3 month programme is divided into 2 parts. The first being the 2 day workshop over a weekend and the second part is follow up over the next 3 months with experiences as identified by the participants in the workshop stage. These could include participation in one of their dreamlining wishes or learning a new skill, volunteering or even learning to play a musical instrument.
This along with an individual session to ensure each participant completes their Roadmap for Freedom book and is comfortable with their plan to their better later life will be part of the 3 month mentoring programme. We won’t leave you wondering what’s next!
Retirement can be one of the most stressful times of your life so the last thing we want is your unanswered questions to be another source of stress.
We’ve put together a list of some of the questions and interesting facts about retirement and the SMART Retirement mentoring programme.
If there is something else you would like to find out please contact us and we’ll answer your question and include it here for others to read.